Among a number of modern society diseases is diabetes. This disease has increased less from a century ago to the  need serious attention. Now, diabetes becomes the sixth-largest killer in America. Diabetes does not just cause death but can cause other disease such as kidney pain, acute myocardial infarction, high-blood-pressure, stroke, cataract, nerve damage, hearing loss and blindness. Calculated 45% of people are risky to have this disease (diabetes).


Generally adult male has risk in attack prostate disruption during his life. Most common prostate disruption is benign prostaic hyperplasia (BHP) or prostate enlargement. Almost 50% old man among 40-59 year and 90% people those aged between 70-80 year stricken phenomenon BHP. The disease distributed when someone ageing. Is known that lifestyle plays a vital role happened this BHP, and it make main problem in western country. Man who lives in developed country who are less advanced where local food production and consumption usually has been undisturbed by this disease. Yet disease actual cause BHP this not yet leak. Theory most popular concentrate to male hormone dihydrostestosterone (DHT) as his cause. Believed that when we ageing greater testerone are transformed into collected DHT in prostate. Affairs this resulted prostate grow, and it pressing urethra, (fund whereby urine flowing) and bladder until cause often urinate and interference urinate, especially at night, this situation often in knit with gland inflammation. Although it is not cancer ailment, but that potential as upholder happen this disease, (cancer).


To understand how coconut oil can help prevent acute myocardial infarction, we must possess the basic knowledge of how a heart disease develop. Acute myocardial infarction is caused by the hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) that happened as a result of plaque formation. Most people say atherosclerosis is caused by too much cholesterol in the blood. This idea call cholesterol hypothesis or lipid from acute myocardial infarction. Presently this idea still is widely spread in popular media by the Soya bean industries, in fact this theory is already obsolete, with the clinical observation and academic research it had been displaced by the response to injury hypothesis.


As explain earlier, coconut oil does not increase the blood cholesterol level or triglyceride level or excessive blood clot. It even stimulate the metabolism, thereby lowering the cholesterol level. Research result from 1970 to 1980 showed that coconut oil is good for the heart although at that time the unsaturated fat is blamed for increasing the risk of myocardial infarction. It is proven that taking coconut oil greatly influence towards the decline in the risk of myocardial infarction compared with other edible oil. Coconut oil can also reduce the accumulation of body fat, increasing lifespan, lessen blood clot formation, reduce free radicals in the cells, reduce the cholesterol level in the blood and heart, adding antioxidant in the cells and reduce the possibility of acute myocardial infarction of the society. By consuming coconut oil the risk of heart attack can be reduced.


Reduce the cholesterol level – it does not contain cholesterol. Therefore it is the best alternative it to other oils that have  high high cholesterol level. 

Control diabetes - the pancreas is more efficient to secrete insulin while the cell work more efficiently to diffuse the needed sugar.

Overcome degenerative disease and old age problem - the natural anti oxidant in virgin coconut oil is the free radical formation obstructer.

Protection from disease

The other benefit of breast milk is it can protect the baby from disease infection. This is compulsory for the baby to be protected from disease and get the immunity before they could have the perfect immunity system. Antimicrobial in breast milk can protect the baby from bacteria and parasite. If they don’t get the sufficient MCFA, they will be easily infected with diseases and it would be highly risk for them. It is different for adult; they can fight disease and infection with the immunity system in their body, so that they won’t be easily infected by any disease.

Metabolism and Energy

When a person is inflicted by a serious or critical injury as a result of a car accident until he/she should be rushed to the hospital to undergo emergency treatment, or seize by a life threatening decease say in connection with age diopname to cure a degenerative disruption. In this situation of life and death, it greatly depends on the treatment receive in the hospital. Often it depends on infusion. At the emergency unit there may be another patient, who suffer from complication due to a hereditary illness like cystic fibrosis or epilepsy or premature baby fighting for his / her first few weeks of life. In each of the above situation, actually these patients can actually count on the Virgin Coconut Oil for their recovery. Yes indeed, in one form or another, virgin coconut oil is part of his / her remedy.


Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is really effective to soften and moisturizing dry skin. When it is applied, skin will be smooth and moisturized. VCO is natural and it does not leave the thin fatty layer on your skin like other lotions and commercial oil. VCO is not only leave your skin moisturized, soft and smooth; it also removes dead cells and leave your skin nourish and younger, because VCO could help the new cells growing healthier.

The advantages of Virgin Coconut Oil

1- Similar with mother's milk.

2- For mothers who breast-fed their child, taking Virgin Coconut Oil as part of her nutrition will discover that the levels of lauric acid and capric acid increase significantly.(see detailed information Removal Impact of Virgin Coconut Oil to lactating mother)

VCO's quality

What is the content of VCO and how it could cure a variety of degenerative diseases? This question seems to be discussed regularly and because of that, there are many parties that really interested to get a better understanding about the content of VCO. Many research proved that VCO contains fat chain / fatty acid rich in " lauric Oil" which can keep up our  health and also  cure a variety of fatal diseases such as cancer, heart disease, obesity, and stroke. In addition, antioxidant in VCO is very high. Tocopherol and betakaroten, function to prevent aging and maintain the body's balance.

What makes Bio-Asli's VCO manufacturing process secured its quality ?

To ensure the MCFA quality structure and antioxidant in VCO unchanged or lost, our company use the special skill to merge, modify and create the process of VCO production with our own idea. Therefore, in Bio-Asli the production process of VCO does not use enzyme (damaging bond lipoprotein), heating (dispel antioxidant) and acid catalyst (untie MCF). The process of water separation in VCO doesn't use heating machine, because this process will destroy antioxidant in VCO. Bio-Asli offers 100% fermentation technique (without heating, no chemical substance and catalyst enzyme). Instead of that, Bio-Asli uses the gravity technique for water separation.


Processed by natural means without heat and other chemical. Discovered at least 9 type fatty acid (Medium Chain Fatty Acids) namely caproic, caprylic, capric, lauric, myristic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acid. Science study shows that it's very useful for human health either baby, children, men or women. Suitable to be consumed, applied on skin, can make brilliantine or can be used during sexual  relationship by applying it all over the body.