Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is really effective to soften and moisturizing dry skin. When it is applied, skin will be smooth and moisturized. VCO is natural and it does not leave the thin fatty layer on your skin like other lotions and commercial oil. VCO is not only leave your skin moisturized, soft and smooth; it also removes dead cells and leave your skin nourish and younger, because VCO could help the new cells growing healthier.Many people agree that VCO could give you the UV protection; it could avoid whitehead and skin cancer. VCO is really good in protecting your skin from the sunlight; it could keep your skin long lasting and healthy even under the sunlight. Unlike sunscreen, VCO is suitable for all skin types. It leaves the sun protection naturally on your skin. Sunscreen has certain degree of Sun Protection Factor (SPF), however not all skin types need the same degree of SPF. Sunscreen also does not help your skin to be naturally protected, because it does not leave the natural sun protection on your skin.
Why virgin coconut oil (VCO) leaves your skin remedies and revives? It is because medium chain fatty acid (MCFA) in VCO has the metabolic effect on skin and the cell activity such as wound healing process is done by metabolism. The higher degree of metabolism could help skin cells activities such as poison elimination, wound healing, dead cell removal, and damaged cell remedial to be done rapidly. It is because MCFA gives an instant energy on skin cells for metabolism and rapid healing.
Virgin coconut oil has the specific benefit; it could reduce the chronic skin infection only in a few days. A study that was done by Dr. S Sadeghi, stated that virgin coconut oil could reduce the pro infection chemical in body. He suggests people to use virgin coconut oil for serious disease infection treatment. Virgin coconut oil should be taken as a supplement food to get an effective treatment; this will give the same treatment in the body as we apply on our skin. The other skin disorders that are categorized as irritation in channel gastrointestinal disease are colitis, boil, hepatitis and hemorrhoids. These diseases can be treated by taking virgin coconut oil. Virgin coconut oil also could heal the irritation of the other parts of body, such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and phlebitis.
From the information above, it describes that virgin coconut oil can be used in or outside of our body to get an exciting health benefits.