VCO's quality

What is the content of VCO and how it could cure a variety of degenerative diseases? This question seems to be discussed regularly and because of that, there are many parties that really interested to get a better understanding about the content of VCO. Many research proved that VCO contains fat chain / fatty acid rich in " lauric Oil" which can keep up our  health and also  cure a variety of fatal diseases such as cancer, heart disease, obesity, and stroke. In addition, antioxidant in VCO is very high. Tocopherol and betakaroten, function to prevent aging and maintain the body's balance.
As we already know, our ancestors had made coconut oil in their daily activities. But, the question is, what is the true standard of the oil that can be called as VCO? In this matter we should refer on the quality standard specified by researchers. Until now, researchers (Through National Research Body) could not determine what is the best quality standard for VCO.  As references, we used the Asia and Pacific Coconut Community (APCC) and the Philippine National Standard (PNS) with the code PNS / BAFPS No.22:2004. Both had set the quality standard of VCO, as seen from product as well as its manufacturing processes.
As a comparison, schedule 2 shows the quality standard of VCO according to SII (1979). Meanwhile schedule 3 shows the quality standard of VCO according to APCC (2005).       
Schedule 2 and 3 show the fatty acid content in VCO and coconut oil, the medium chain fatty acid is higher in VCO compared to coconut oil. Medium Chain fatty acid is nutritious as medicine. The most important in VCO are the medium chain fatty acids; lauric acid (C-12), capric acid (C-8), and acid myristate (C-14).   
According to AFCC, VCO's manufacturing process with or without heating does not matter. Most important is, the oil is produced from fresh and mature coconut and it does not change its structure. Therefore, coconut oil produced using traditional method and gradual heating could be categorized as VCO. But, PNS gives more accurate criteria; VCO is not produced without undergoing of chemical refining, deodorizing and bleaching (RDB).